It is important to ask the following 13 questions for new inquiry, when you buy our pumps make selection for pumps, please check the following 12 questions:
1.Capacity 流量
2.Delivery pressure 扬程或许差压
3.Type of liquid---Liquid List which can be found in relevant software/website; 介质
4.Viscosity----The impact to efficiency, power, capacity head of pump curves; 粘度,对效率、
5.Pump job---To know the market process 泵的用途,便于了解效劳的市场和流程
6.Type of installation---For motor base plate selection, vertical, horizontal 装置方法、便于电机
7.Suction lift----For NASHr check NPSHa calculation; 吸高,便于校核NPSHr及计算NPSHa
8.Temperature---For jacket of pump, cooling of pump, selection of material seal,O-ring etc.
温度, 便于挑选是不是要加热或许冷却夹套、材料及密封、O型圈挑选
9.Old pumping experience----To learn the stone of other mountain; 曩昔泵的阅历,参考之资,
能够攻玉。 阳光下没有新鲜事,阅历实践证实或许证伪的阅历教训给力。
10.Running hours/day 天天运转时刻, 接连运转仍是间歇上岗
11.Voltage 电压
12.Frequency---Impact to the pump curves 频率,50Hz仍是60Hz
13.Certificate: 证书,ATEX, CE, 船级社证书?
在上面疑问弄清后,选出的昆西真空泵好用的准确率99%, 还有1%靠泵业匠人的阅历、技术和知识优化。